For more information or a fee quotation contact us at:

14 Galmington Drive, Taunton TA1 5AD

telephone 01823 335862   mobile 07949 454946

fax 01823 335862


general enquiries:

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An acoustic consultant or noise consultant provides advice about one or more aspects of noise and vibration. However, many people looking for advice are not familiar with those job titles and may refer to ‘noise engineer’, ‘acoustics engineer’, ‘sound engineer’, or even more loosely to ‘noise tester’, ‘sound tester’ or even ‘noise man’ or ‘sound man’. A ‘noise engineer’ or ‘acoustics engineer’ usually means someone who designs and/or builds attenuators (silencers) and other noise reduction hardware. A ‘sound engineer’ literally engineers sound and this usually means someone working in broadcasting, studios, theatres or arenas, who mixes or alters music, speech and other sounds.